Edmundston Pulp Mill

The pulp and energy operations at the Edmundston Pulp Mill are an integral component of the East Papers pulp and paper complex.  It delivers 100% of its bleached softwood sulphite and bleached groundwood pulp to the Madawaska paper mill for the manufacture of specialized packaging, technical, label and publishing papers. A large 45MW biomass cogeneration plant produces electricity that is sold to New Brunswick Power.

Location:  Edmundston, New Brunswick


  • Bleached groundwood capabilities drive high-bright innovation
  • Pulp matches requirements of specialty market focus
  • Use of biomass cogeneration as sustainable energy source
  • Greatly reduced dependence on fossil fuels to minimize carbon footprint
  • Stringent wood procurement policy to ensure the procurement of certified or controlled wood


Production Capacity

370,000 tpy

Number of Employees


Key Offerings

Bleached magnesium sulphite based and groundwood pulp

Primary Markets

Integrated pulp source for Madawaska paper mill


ISO 14001: 2015 certification
PEFC chain of custody certification
SFI fiber sourcing label certification
SFI chain of custody certification
FSC chain of custody certification
FSC controlled wood certification

2016 Energy Sources
(combined with Madawaska)

82% carbon neutral (biomass)
2% fossil fuel
15% purchased electricity

Additional Capabilities

Biomass cogeneration operation (45 MW)