Environmental Emergency (E2) Information
Our business is anchored by a comprehensive emergency management program that incorporates regular emergency drills with the local fire department, preventative incident investigation procedures, an on-call emergency response team available 24/7, a commitment to on-going equipment maintenance and risk management, and training in the areas of environment, health and safety for all employees and contractors.
In 2019, the Federal Government updated its Environmental Emergency (E2) regulations, which means changes in how and how often we communicate with the public about aspects of our operations. We understand from past challenges the importance of transparent communication with our neighbors.
We have always worked closely with the Town of Edmundston, and are proud of our legacy of compliance with Federal, Provincial, and Municipal regulations and will continue to adapt to changing guidelines.
E2 Overview Video Presentation
Eric Carrier, Manager Environment & Technical for the Edmundston Pulp Mill, provides an overview of the Twin River Environmental Emergency (E2) plan, potential community risks, and the steps the operation is taking to proactively communicate to the community. Take a look.
Watch in English | Watch in French
Updates to E2 Regulations
The E2 regulation was established in 2013 and updated in 2019 to ensure Canadians are prepared to respond to potential environmental emergencies associated with regulated substances. The government created a list of 249 substances that have potential health risks. Anyone who owns or manages materials on the list must make the public aware and educate individuals about how to respond in an emergency situation. Additionally, those individuals/organizations must have an E2 plan that is shared with the community.
Chemicals Used in Edmundston
For the past 60 years, we have used chlorine dioxide, sodium chlorate, hydrogen peroxide, and fuel oil #6. These chemicals are commonly used in the pulp making process and are managed by rigorous process safety management plans that incorporate state-of-the-art monitoring and control systems to supervise their usage.
As a part of our E2 plan, we want to be transparent with the communication about chemical usage and potential risks associated with the substances, our mitigation process, and our preventative measures.
Take a look at the details in our Chemical Risk Assessment & Mitigation Overview: English PDF | French PDF
Additionally, we are hosting a series of live presentations regarding our E2 Plan and chemical usage. Click here for our Community Calendar with the dates.
Should there be an unlikely event of an emergency, here is what you should do:
- Go inside, including all people and pets.
- Turn off or close all air intake sources, including windows and air exchangers.
- Tune in to local radio stations (CJEM or CFAI) for further information or visit Twin Rivers’ social media accounts.
For More Information
Contact us if you have any questions. Send an email to e2plan@twinriverspaper.com or call 888-937-2737.