Edmundston, NB (April 13, 2021) – Twin Rivers Paper Company’s Edmundston pulp mill is currently undergoing a biomass cogeneration unit maintenance shutdown. Maintenance projects like this are a key part of the requirement to safely operate this system, which delivers 45 megawatts of clean energy to NB Power.
“We recognize there are heightened concerns and some questions from residents in Edmundston given the latest regional lock-down,” says Brian McAlary, Vice President Development, Technical & Export Sales of Twin Rivers Paper Company. “We live here, and we work here; safety is our #1 priority. We have been working with WorkSafe NB (WSNB) to ensure all protocols and steps are followed, including enhanced random audits by WSNB.”
The company took all possible steps to maximize in-province labor on the project, bringing in only essential skilled workers from out-of-province. Of the approximately 150 contractors working on-site, less than a quarter are from outside New Brunswick.
For all those from outside New Brunswick, they have:
– Been individually approved via the WSNB approval and COVID testing protocol;
– Been compliant with all protocols and procedures to restrict interactions within less than 2 meters, including separate on-site facilities as required;
– Active screening upon entry to the worksite;
– Random audits to ensure their locations are known and in line with the plan;
– Contactless delivery of food to the accommodation they are resident in; and,
– Segregation from all other (in-province) contractors.
“The co-generation unit maintenance shutdown has been in planning for more than a year, so we’ve actually been operating in an enhanced COVID-19 context since the planning began,” says McAlary. “The logistics to plan and safely carry out this work are significant. We are confident in our team, and the WSNB and NB Public Health teams, to oversee a successful project within this challenging context.”
Media Contact:
Brian McAlary